Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Feelin' the Love

I feel like I've been at a masquerade for the past few months, especially with my LIFEgroup. I had been acting like things were fine in my life, when really it felt like my world was turning upside down. I didn't want them to see me vulnerable. Looking back now, I wish they would have been able to see how much God has worked in my life and how much peace He has given me over these past couple of weeks.

Sunday night I finally told them everything that was going on with my family, and it was so hard. Not because of what is going on, I have peace about that now, but because I've kept this from them for so long. They missed out on seeing firsthand how God can take a situation that seems hopeless and make it something that brings Him so much glory. Even though I didn't tell them until Sunday night, they were awesome about it. There's so much love going on in my LIFEgroup, it's amazing. We've been together since seventh grade, and we've been through a lot, but we've gotten stronger through each situation. It really puts things into perspective and makes me see how much I love my LIFEgroup and appreciate all they do. As excited as I am about graduating, I will definitely miss my LIFEgroup! I love y'all so much!

Monday, January 3, 2011

Reaffirm-to confirm or ratify again

Well, it was my first day back to school... can't you tell how excited I am! NOT! I did have a pretty awesome experience at school today that reaffirmed everything that God wants me to do in my life, so I'd thought I would share it with you guys. I really hope reading this story about how God showed himself will enourage you in some way.
     A little background info before I get started with my story: I help with one of the special education classes at my school. It's been really beneficial for me since in the fall I'll be going to Winthrop University to major in Special Education. I really feel that majoring in Special Education is what God wants me to do. I don't know how yet, but I totally believe that through getting a degree in Special Education, God(not me, it'll all be Him) will use me in powerful ways to reach people who are far from Him. 
     Today when I walked in, I said hey to some of the students like I usually do, nothing too unusual about that. Right after I said hey, one of the students that I devote most of my time to ran up to me and give me a huge hug, and then another student followed. They were both so excited to see me. I was overwhelmed at first, but then absolutely loved every minute of it! I felt so loved and welcomed to be in there. It was amazing to see how God used those students to reaffirm His plan for my life. I'm really really pumped to see how God is going to use me for His glory through helping students in special education classes.
     I hope that encouraged you somehow, it definitely did for me! Have a great rest of the day, God bless!

Sunday, January 2, 2011


I've finally figured out how to post a blog! I didn't plan on having a blog anytime soon, but my friend convinced me I should so we could be "blog buddies"! And I have to say I'm enjoying it so far:)
     God has been teaching me so much over these last few days, it's been absolutely incredible! I don't even know where to begin. Hopefully I'll be able to gather my thoughts soon and share them with you! But for now, here's what I'm excited about.

What I'm excited about:
  • What God is teaching me and revealing to me.
  • Graduating!
  • The fact that Elevation Church is only 30 minutes away from Winthrop!
  • Starting back up with my internship.
  • Hanging out with some AMAZING! middle school girls!
  • Really, really good books:)
I can't think of anything else right now, so thanks for reading! I hope you have an absolutely fantastic week! Talk to you later!