Hey guys! So this Sunday our church is having our Global Impact Celebration. It's basically a celebration of missions and how God has been working through missions. Every year that I've been we've had tables set up around the worship center with different missionaries. Some are local, while others are from the ends of the earth. I have the priviledge of representing the Student Ministries table. This year we're going to New York City. When I heard where we were going, I was pumped about what God is capable of doing in NYC through Gateway, but I honestly didn't feel like God was calling me to NYC. I wasn't upset that we weren't going somewhere out of the USA or anything, I just didn't feel like I that's what I would be doing during my summer.
As I've been preparing for the table and making a poster, God has been laying NYC on my heart big time. A couple of things woke me up: NYC's population is 8,391,881. Out of all those people, 2,173,498 (1/4 of the pop.) don't have a relationship with Jesus Christ. That's almost the entire population of SC. I don't know about you, but that breaks my heart. Even though we're staying in the U.S., there are over 33 nations represented in NYC; over 3,000,000 foreign born citizens. What a diverse city! In one day, I could see over 33 different nationalities. By going to NYC, we're able to meet the nations without having to go all over the world. Yes, I know that it isn't the same, but if God uses us to bring one person to Christ, that person could talk to their relatives back home across the world about Christ. Think about the impact that one person could have on a nation! God has also put together an amazing group for our trip this summer. I absolutely know that God is going to do some amazing things in NYC, and I can't wait to see His hand work in all of it.
Be praying for NYC! Specifically, be praying for the homeless and children in NYC. Pray for the people we'll be coming in contact with. Pray for the people we'll be serving. Pray for the people we'll be sharing Jesus with. Pray that our team would be united and focused on the Almighty King. Pray that God would do something so big there, that God is the ONLY one who can get glory. Ultimately, pray that God would work powerfully in NYC.
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